Jumat, 06 Mei 2016

Hacking Websites Using SQL Injection

Sql Injection - Hacking Websites

In this post we will hack a website and obtain its data using SQL injection attack. We will not use any tools. This is one of the few tuts on this blog for which you don't need Kali Linux. You can easily carry it out from Windows machine on any normal browser.

Finding A Vulnerable Website

The first step is obviously finding a vulnerable website. There are a lot of ways to do so. the most common method of searching is by using dorks.
you can  using BinGoo.


Dorks are an input query into a search engine (Google) which attempt to find websites with the given text provided in the dork itself. Basically it helps you to find websites with a specific code in their url which you know is a sign of vulnerability.
A more specific definition could be "Advanced Google searches used to find security loopholes on websites and allow hackers to break in to or disrupt the site.
HOW TO Testing sites for vulnerabilities
 exaple: www.hack.php?id=5 same www.hack.php?id=5'
all you have to do is insert an asterisk ' at the end of the url instead of 5

thats all thanks.

Kamis, 05 Mei 2016

Cara Dorking Dengan Bingoo Di kali linux

assalamualaikum wr.wb
hai...saya Asep Bolger Baru
anda mau melakukan dorking....
bagi pengguna Kali linux Hal itu sangat mudah.
1.install Bingoo
dg cara: 1. apt-get install lynx
               2.apt-get install curl
               3.git clone https://github.com/Hood3dRob1n/BinGoo.git
 4.lalu buka bingoo nya ..
cd BinGoo(Tergantung bingoo ter unduh dimana.biasanya sih di direktori root).
cara makainya:(tergantung keinginan..ya);
masukan sesuai angka yang ter tera.
BinGoo juga dapat mengecek apah web yang ter scan vuln / tidak

kalu yang lain coba cari tau sendiri... google pintar.. :) ok sip...
jika kurang jelas tanyakan saja yy.